A model from the designer range of flower planters with benches by Encho Enchev-ETE, which combines the beauty of the native materials used and the nature, creating style and comfort in the modern city. The planter is made out of high-performance, reinforced, fibre concrete with natural aggregate. The aggregate is made of marble or granite stones with certain sizes and the possibility of different colour combinations. A series of special technological treatments of the aggregate structure create a surface with characteristic relief. The wooden elements for the bench can be made of exotic, hard wood - bamboo or soft wood - spruce. In the four corners of the planter, concrete segments with a polished aggregate surface are added to the bench. A protective coating is applied to the certified wood and concrete, which makes the product even more resistant to aggressive weather conditions. The metal components involved in the construction are electro-galvanized and are powder coated. Straight and clean lines as well as possible colour combinations between aggregate and wood complement the features and provide fresh ideas for stylish arrangement of buildings, landscapes, various open spaces, parks, streets and gardens.