Encho Enchev - ETE EOOD is a legal entity with headquarters in Dolna Oryahovitsa, 25 Dimitar Blagoev Street, Bulgaria and as such is registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with company file 1209/2006 410, UIC 104675804.
The domain name and the website owned by Encho Enchev - ETE is www.etebg.net, email: sales@etebg.net, and the related domains, also owned by Encho Enchev - ETE are www.etebg.ro and www. etebg.de
The rights to the content of this site, including the texts, images, designs, graphics, trademarks and other distinctive signs, belong to Encho Enchev - ETE or to third parties who have authorized their use.
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Encho Enchev - ETE reserves the right to change unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice the presentation, settings and content of the website.
Encho Enchev - ETE is not responsible for any information obtained through links included in this website.
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The relations between Encho Enchev - ETE and the users, which arose during and on the occasion of the use and reproduction of the content of this website, are regulated by the legislation applicable to the Republic of Bulgaria.
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